May 2024 Symposium

The Spring Cure JM Medical Symposium in partnership with Duke University happened May 23rd, 2024, virtually, with presentations from world-leading researchers and clinicians on advancements in basic research, translational studies, and best practice clinical care in juvenile dermatomyositis.

For clinicians, researchers, and healthcare professionals unable to attend the event, we are honored to share the full virtual symposium recording. This video features presentations in order, with the recording separating each presentation topic into YouTube chapters.

3.0 CME (pending credits are available through Duke University by watching the recording).

Additional peer support resources for clinicians of juvenile myositis patients and families can be found at

For questions regarding the Cure JM Medical Symposium, please email Andrew Heaton, CSO, Cure JM Foundation, at

Walking Strong – Empowered by Unity

Like other teens new to the JM journey, Catie Beth Caldwell and Madi Cook were two individuals who felt alone at the beginning of their journeys. Catie Beth was diagnosed just before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold of the world as we knew it. With this came feelings of isolation and loneliness. These emotions were commonplace for many teens but were only compounded by teens new to a rare disease diagnosis. These first years of the “new normal” were difficult to navigate.

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