Ask The Doc: Why Exercise and Nutrition Are Important In JM

We are honored to share this insightful presentation and Q&A on the importance of exercise and nutrition in treating juvenile myositis with Dr. Brian Feldman of The Hospital for Sick Children and the Cure JM Clinical Care Network.

What role does exercise and nutrition play in JM treatment? When should JM patients be cleared for exercise? What effects do exercise and nutrition have on disease outcomes?

Learn more in this recording featuring Brian Feldman, MD, MSc, FRCP of The Hospital of Sick Children (Toronto.) Dr. Feldman has made contributions to the understanding of the prognosis and treatment of JDM and the role of exercise, diet supplementation, and sleep in juvenile chronic diseases.

Walking Strong – Empowered by Unity

Like other teens new to the JM journey, Catie Beth Caldwell and Madi Cook were two individuals who felt alone at the beginning of their journeys. Catie Beth was diagnosed just before the Covid-19 pandemic took hold of the world as we knew it. With this came feelings of isolation and loneliness. These emotions were commonplace for many teens but were only compounded by teens new to a rare disease diagnosis. These first years of the “new normal” were difficult to navigate.

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