Understanding Second-Line Treatments and Side Effects

Overall, treating JM aims to treat an overactive immune system. Ways to treat an inappropriately overactive immune system include the following: immunosuppression, or reducing the activity of the immune system, which comes with a risk of infection, and immunomodulation, or reducing the activity of the immune system. Medications for initial treatment or induction include steroids, methotrexate, hydroxychloroquine, IVIG, exercise, and sun protection.

Second-line medications that should be considered after the initial treatment period of treatments already discussed—either because the patient cannot tolerate these medications or the disease is still active.

Second-line treatments are sometimes considered alternatives, switching one out for another, and sometimes considered add-on therapy to eliminate the disease.

In this presentation, Dr. Curran and Dr. Kim explain second-line treatments and the side effects of each.

Balancing Work and Caregiving: Strategies for Working Parents of Children with Juvenile Myositis

Balancing the demands of a career with the responsibilities of caregiving is a challenging task for any parent. For those with a child diagnosed with juvenile myositis (JM), a rare autoimmune disease affecting children, the challenge is heightened. Juggling work commitments while providing the necessary care and support for a child with JM can be taxing. In this article, we hope to provide you with a few effective strategies and insights to help working parents navigate this delicate balance.

May 2024 Symposium

The 11th Annual Cure JM Medical Symposium in partnership with Duke University happened May 23rd, 2024, virtually, with presentations from world-leading researchers and clinicians on advancements in basic research, translational studies, and best practice clinical care in juvenile dermatomyositis.

Traveling with JM

Planning a trip or vacation can be challenging, especially when you have a child with juvenile myositis. With spring break and summer break just around the corner, the pressure might be even greater. However, at Cure JM, we want to help ensure that you and your child can enjoy all the delights of a vacation with minimal stress.

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Cure JM supports families, patients, and the juvenile myositis research community.

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